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Female Hair Transplant

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Hair Transplant in Women

Hair loss can be devastating in women because of how much they rely on their locks for beauty. Women may feel more compelled than men to protect this natural asset and so they suffer through painful losses that can leave them feeling socially isolated!

Difference Between Men and Women Hair Loss

The way men lose their hair is different from the process in women. In women, it’s often a gradual thinning that starts at some point and spreads to other parts on top or near your head. Women rarely face a receding hairline; their front hair usually stays intact.

How Does Help

 has conducted many hair transplant procedures on women . Experts and qualified technicians are devoted to the patients, who want their locks back with a sense of confidence that was once theirs! Here are some of the great results, our hair transplant surgeons have shown for hair transplants in women.